医学术语图解指南(英文版 第7版) [Barbara Janson Cohen,Etcippincott's Medical Terminology an Illustrated Guide,7th Edition]
Knowledge of medical terminology is fundamental to a wide variety of health care fields. This book is designed to satisfy the basic learning requirements needed to practice in any health career setting. In the course of your training and future careers, you will need to learn thousands of new
terms. The job might be overwhelming if not for learning the skills of dividing the words into their component parts.These roots, suffixes, and prefixes appear over and over in different terms but retain the same meanings. Knowing these meanings will help you define and remember a host of words. This process is like using a set of building blocks to assemble different structures. Using a more scientific example, it's like using the four bases in DNA to code for all the amino acids needed to make proteins.
After the introductory sections, each chapter begins with an illustrated overview of a specific body system with definitions of the key terms related to that system. Tables of word parts and exercises on using them follow. Turning to the abnormal, a section on diseases and treatments is included, followed by definitions of relevant key terms.The section of supplementary terms includes words and phrases that are "good to know" if time allows or if someone is particularly interested in that specialty. The sequence of the systems chapters differs slightly from that found in traditional anatomy and physiology books. The organization emphasizes their clinical importance, starting with the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems and continuing with systems treated in more specialized fields, such as the urinary, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems.The chapters can be taken out of order once the introductory units are completed.
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