This guidance provides recommendations to applicants on submitting analytical procedures, validation data, and samples to support the documentation of the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of drug substances and drug products.
This guidance is intended to assist applicants in assembling information, submitting samples, and presenting data to support analytical methodologies. The recommendations apply to drug substances and drug products covered in new drug applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), biologics license applications (BLAs), product license applications (PLAs), and supplements to these applications.
The principles also apply to drug substances and drug products covered in Type II drug master files (DMFs). If a different approach is chosen, the applicant is encouraged to discuss the matter in advance with the center with product jurisdiction to prevent the expenditure of resources on preparing a submission that may later be determined to be unacceptable.
The principles of methods validation described in this guidance apply to all types of analytical procedures. However, the specific recommendations in this guidance may not be applicable to certain unique analytical procedures for products such as biological, biotechnological, botanical, or radiopharmaceutical drugs.
For example, many bioassays are based on animal challenge models, 39
immunogenicity assessments, or other immunoassays that have unique features that should be considered when submitting analytical procedure and methods validation information.
Furthermore, specific recommendations for biological and immunochemical tests that may be necessary for characterization and quality control of many drug substances and drug products are beyond the scope of this guidance document.
Although this guidance does not specifically address the submission of analytical procedures and validation data for raw materials, intermediates, excipients, container closure components, and other materials used in the production of drug substances and drug products, validated analytical procedures should be used to analyze these materials.
For questions on appropriate validation approaches for analytical procedures or submission of information not addressed in this guidance, applicants should consult with the appropriate chemistry review staff at FDA.
This guidance, when finalized, will replace the FDA guidance for industry on Submitting Samples and Analytical Data for Methods Validation (February 1987).
Each NDA and ANDA must include the analytical procedures necessary to ensure the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of the drug substance and drug product, including bioavailability of the drug product (21 CFR 314.50(d)(1) and 314.94(a)(9)(i)).
II. 背景
每个NDA和ANDA都必需包括必要的分析方法以确保原料药和制剂的认定,剂量,质量,纯度和效力,还包括制剂的生物利用度(21 CFR 314.50(d)(1) 和314.94(a)(9)(i))。
Data must be available to establish that the analytical procedures used in testing meet proper standards of accuracy and reliability (21 CFR 211.165(e) and 211.194(a)(2)).
Methods validation is the process of demonstrating that analytical procedures are suitable for their intended use. The methods validation process for analytical procedures begins with the planned and systematic collection by the applicant of the validation data to support the analytical procedures.