sn7809   发表于 2017-6-21 16:41:57 |栏目:仪器资料
  • 资料类型 :操作经验 
  • 资源级别: 四星以上
  • 文件类型 : pdf 
  • 适合人群 : 中级者
  • 关联厂家 : Agilent
  • 仪器型号: Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph
Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph Advanced User Guide (398页)
1 Programming
Run Time Programming 16
Using run time events 16
Programming run time events 17
The run table 17
Adding events to the run table 17
Editing events in the run table 17
Deleting run time events 18
Clock Time Programming 19
Using clock time events 19
Programming clock time events 19
Adding events to the clock table 20
Editing clock time events 20
Deleting clock time events 20
User-Key Programming 21
To program a User Key 21
To play back (execute) the stored keystrokes 21
To erase the stored keystrokes 21
Post Run Programming 22
To enable a post run program 22
To disable a post run program 22
2 Configuration
About Configuration 25
Assigning GC resources to a device 25
Setting configuration properties 26
General Topics 27
Unlock the GC Configuration 27
Ignore Ready = 27
Information displays 28
Unconfigured: 28
Oven 29
To configure the oven 29
To configure the oven for cryogenic cooling 30
Front Inlet/Back Inlet 31
To configure the Gas type 31
To configure the PTV or COC coolant 31
To configure the MMI coolant 33
4 Advanced User Guide
Column # 35
To configure a single column 35
To configure multiple columns 37
Cryo Trap 43
Configure the cryo trap to the GC 43
Configure a heater to the cryo trap 43
Configure the coolant 43
Configure the user-configurable heater 44
Reboot the GC 44
Front Detector/Back Detector/Aux Detector/Aux Detector 2 45
To configure the makeup/reference gas 45
Lit offset 45
To configure the FPD heaters 45
To ignore the FID or FID ignitor 46
Analog out 1/Analog out 2 47
Fast peaks 47
Valve Box 48
To assign a GC power source to a valve box heater 48
Thermal Aux 49
To assign a GC power source to an Aux thermal zone 49
To configure an MSD transfer line heater 49
To configure a nickel catalyst heater 50
To configure an AED transfer line heater 50
To assign a GC communication source to a PCM 51
To configure a PCM 51
Pressure aux 1,2,3/Pressure aux 4,5,6/Pressure aux 7,8,9 53
To assign a GC communication source to an Aux EPC 53
To configure an auxiliary pressure channel 53
Status 54
The Ready/Not Ready status table 54
The setpoint status table 54
To configure the setpoint status table 54
Time 55
To set time and date 55
To use the stopwatch 55
Valve # 56
To configure a valve 56
Advanced User Guide 5
Front injector/Back injector 57
Solvent Wash Mode (7683 ALS) 57
To configure an injector (7683 ALS) 58
To move a 7683 injector between front and back positions 58
Sample tray (7683 ALS) 59
Instrument 60
3 Options
About Options 62
Calibration 63
Maintaining EPC calibration—inlets, detectors, PCM, and AUX 63
To zero all pressure sensors in all modules 65
Column calibration 65
Communication 69
Configuring the IP address for the GC 69
Keyboard and Display 70
4 Chromatographic Checkout
About Chromatographic Checkout 72
To Prepare for Chromatographic Checkout 73
To Check FID Performance 75
To Check TCD Performance 80
To Check NPD Performance 85
To Check uECD Performance 90
To Check FPD Performance (Sample 5188-5953) 95
To Verify FPD Performance (Sample 5188-5245, Japan) 102
5 Methods and Sequences
Creating Methods 110
To program a method 111
To program the ALS 111
To program the ALS sampler tray 111
To program the 7683B ALS bar code reader 112
To save a method 113
To load a stored method 113
Method mismatch 114
6 Advanced User Guide
Creating Sequences 115
About the priority sequence 115
To program a sequence 116
To program a priority sequence 116
To program an ALS subsequence 117
To program a valve subsequence 117
To program post sequence events 117
To save a sequence 118
To load a stored sequence 118
To determine sequence status 118
To start a sequence 118
To pause and resume a sequence 119
To stop a sequence 119
To abort a sequence 119
6 Checking for Leaks
Preparing the GC for Maintenance 122
Column and oven preparation 122
Inlet preparation 122
Detector preparation 122
Leak Check Tips 123
To Check for External Leaks 124
To Check for GC Leaks 125
Leaks in Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) Fittings 126
To Perform a SS Inlet Pressure Decay Test 127
To Correct Leaks in the Split Splitless Inlet 131
To Perform a Multimode Inlet Pressure Decay Test 132
To Correct Leaks in the Multimode Inlet 136
To Perform a PP Inlet Pressure Decay Test 137
To Correct Leaks in the Packed Column Inlet 141
To Perform a COC Pressure Decay Test 142
To Correct Leaks in the Cool On-Column Inlet 145
To Perform a PTV Pressure Decay Test 146
To Correct Leaks in the PTV Inlet 150
To Perform a VI Pressure Decay Test 151
To Prepare the VI for a Closed System Leak Check 155
To Correct Leaks in the Volatiles Interface 156
Advanced User Guide 7
7 Flow and Pressure Modules
About Flow and Pressure Control 158
Maximum operating pressure 158
PIDs 159
Inlet Modules 160
Detector Modules 161
Pressure Control Modules 162
Auxiliary Pressure Controllers 165
Restrictors 166
Examples 168
1. Using an Aux EPC channel to supply purge gas to a splitter 168
2. Using the PCM channels 168
8 Inlets
Using Hydrogen 173
Inlet Overview 174
Carrier Gas Flow Rates 175
About Gas Saver 176
To use gas saver 176
Pre Run and Prep Run 178
The [Prep Run] key 178
Auto Prep Run 179
About Heaters 180
About the Split/Splitless Inlet 182
Septum tightening (S/SL) 182
Standard and high-pressure versions of the S/SL inlet 182
Split/Splitless inlet split mode overview 183
Split/Splitless inlet splitless mode overview 184
The S/SL inlet pulsed split and splitless modes 185
Split/Splitless inlet split mode minimum operating pressures 186
Selecting the correct S/SL inlet liner 187
Vapor Volume Calculator 189
Setting parameters for the S/SL split mode 189
Selecting parameters for the S/SL splitless mode 190
Setting parameters for the S/SL splitless mode 191
Setting parameters for the S/SL pulsed modes 192
8 Advanced User Guide
About the Multimode Inlet 193
Septum tightening (MMI) 193
Heating the MMI 194
Cooling the MMI 194
MMI split mode minimum operating pressures 195
Selecting the correct MMI liner 196
Vapor Volume Calculator 198
MMI split and pulsed split modes 198
MMI splitless and pulsed splitless modes 202
MMI solvent vent mode 208
MMI Direct Mode 216
To develop a MMI method that uses large volume injection 217
Multiple injections with the MMI 220
About the Packed Column Inlet 226
Setting parameters 228
About the Cool On-Column Inlet 230
Setup modes of the COC inlet 231
Retention gaps 231
COC inlet temperature control 231
Setting COC inlet flows/pressures 232
Setting COC inlet parameters 233
About the PTV Inlet 234
PTV sampling heads 234
Heating the PTV inlet 235
Cooling the PTV inlet 236
PTV inlet split and pulsed split modes 236
PTV inlet splitless and pulsed splitless modes 240
PTV inlet solvent vent mode 247
To develop a PTV method that uses large volume injection 255
Multiple injections with the PTV inlet 258
About the Volatiles Interface 264
VI operating modes 265
About the VI split mode 266
About the VI splitless mode 270
About the VI direct mode 275
Preparing the Interface for Direct Sample Introduction 278
VI direct mode setpoint dependencies 280
VI direct mode initial values 280
Setting parameters for the VI direct mode 281
Advanced User Guide 9
9 Columns and Oven
About the Oven 284
Oven safety 284
Configuring the Oven 285
Cryogenic Operation 286
Cryogenic setpoints 286
About Oven Temperature Programming 288
Programming setpoints 288
Oven ramp rates 289
Setting the oven parameters for constant temperature 290
Setting the oven parameters for ramped temperature 290
About the Oven Insert 292
About Columns 293
Selecting the correct packed glass column type 293
About the column modes 293
Select a column mode 294
Setting the column parameters for constant flow or constant
pressure 295
Enter a flow or pressure program (optional) 295
Programming column pressure or flow 296
Backflushing a Column 297
Backflushing when connected to an MSD 297
Backflushing using a capillary flow technology device 298
Nickel Catalyst Tube 303
About the nickel catalyst tube 303
Nickel catalyst gas flows 303
Setting temperatures for the nickel catalyst tube 304
10 Detectors
About Makeup Gas 306
About the FID 307
How FID units are displayed in Agilent data systems and on the GC 308
To light the FID flame 309
To extinguish the FID flame 309
FID automatic reignition (Lit offset) 309
Recommended starting conditions for new FID methods 310
Setting parameters for FID 311
10 Advanced User Guide
About the TCD 312
TCD pneumatics 314
TCD carrier, reference, and makeup gas 314
TCD gas pressures 315
Selecting reference and makeup flows for the TCD 316
Chemically active compounds reduce TCD filament life 316
Changing the TCD polarity during a run 317
Detecting hydrogen with the TCD using helium carrier gas 317
Setting parameters for the TCD 318
About the uECD 320
uECD safety and regulatory information 320
uECD warnings 321
Safety precautions when handling uECDs 323
uECD gas flows 324
uECD linearity 324
uECD detector gas 324
uECD temperature 324
uECD analog output 325
Recommended starting conditions for new uECD methods 325
uECD makeup gas notes 325
uECD temperature programming 326
Setting parameters for the uECD 326
About the NPD 327
New NPD features and changes 327
NPD software requirements 327
NPD flows and general information 327
NPD flow, temperature, and bead recommendations 328
NPD required gas purity 330
Setting parameters for the NPD 331
Selecting an NPD bead type 332
Changing from a ceramic bead to a Blos bead 333
Selecting an NPD jet 333
To configure the NPD 334
Automatically adjusting NPD bead voltage 335
Setting NPD adjust offset on the clock table 336
Aborting NPD adjust offset 336
Extending the NPD bead life 336
Setting the initial bead voltage for new beads 337
Setting NPD bead voltage manually (optional) 338
About the FPD 339
FPD linearity 340
FPD Lit Offset 340
Advanced User Guide 11
Starting Up and Shutting Down the FPD 340
FPD photomultiplier protection 340
FPD optical filters 340
Inlet liners for use with the FPD 341
FPD temperature considerations 341
FPD gas purity 341
FPD gas flows 341
Lighting the FPD flame 342
Setting parameters for the FPD 343
11 Valves
About Valves 346
The Valve Box 347
Heating the valves 347
Valve temperature programming 348
Configuring an Aux thermal zone 348
Valve Control 349
The valve drivers 349
The internal valve drivers 349
The external valve drivers 350
Valve Types 351
Configuring a Valve 352
Controlling a Valve 353
From the keyboard 353
From the run or clock time tables 353
Simple valve: column selection 353
Gas sampling valve 354
Multiposition stream selection valve with sampling valve 355
12 7683B Sampler
About the 7683B Sampler 358
Hardware 358
Software 358
Setting Parameters for the ALS 359
Solvent Saver 360
Sample tray setpoints 361
Storing setpoints 361
12 Advanced User Guide
13 Cables
About Cables and Back Panel Connectors 364
Back panel connectors 364
Sampler connectors 364
The AUX connector 364
Signal connectors 365
REMOTE connector 365
EVENT connector 365
BCD input connector 365
RS-232 connector 365
LAN connector 365
Using the Remote Start/Stop cable 366
Connecting Agilent products 366
Connecting non-Agilent products 366
Connecting Cables 369
Cable Diagrams 371
Analog cable, general use 371
Remote start/stop cable 371
BCD cable 372
External event cable 373
14 GC Output Signals
About Signals 376
Signal Types 377
Value 377
Analog Signals 379
Analog zero 379
Analog range 379
Analog data rates 380
Selecting fast peaks (analog output) 381
Digital Signals 382
Digital zero 382
Baseline level shifts 382
Agilent data systems 383
Zero Init Data Files 385
Advanced User Guide 13
Column Compensation 386
Creating a column compensation profile 387
Making a run using analog output column compensation 387
Making a run using digital output column compensation 387
Plotting a stored column compensation profile 388
Test Plot 389
15 Miscellaneous Topics
Auxiliary Devices 392
About Auxiliary Pressure Control 392
About Aux Thermal Zone Control 393
About Cryo Trap Control 393
About Auxiliary Device Contacts 394
About the 24V Auxiliary Device Power Supply 394
About Auxiliary Columns 394
About Auxiliary Detectors 395
To Use the Stopwatch 396
Service Mode 397
Service Reminders 397
Other functions 398



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jimmyshi   发表于 2017-6-27 06:54:13 |栏目:仪器资料






blacknight   发表于 2017-7-4 19:49:05 |栏目:仪器资料






gql911203   发表于 2017-7-10 17:29:04 |栏目:仪器资料






yufei_2000   发表于 2017-7-18 07:54:28 |栏目:仪器资料






art143cn   发表于 2017-7-29 04:39:05 |栏目:仪器资料
這麼好的帖子都沒有人頂!d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b,我來多頂頂樓主






chinapie   发表于 2017-8-10 17:35:18 |栏目:仪器资料






aialex   发表于 2017-8-24 16:11:28 |栏目:仪器资料






ervin   发表于 2017-9-11 23:00:51 |栏目:仪器资料






mewworldhk   发表于 2018-7-27 20:46:12 |栏目:仪器资料




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