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Chapter 1 Self-organized Quantum Dot Multilayer Structures 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Mechanisms for interlayer correlation formation 2 1.3 Strain-fi eld interactions in multilayer structures 4 1.3.1 The isotropic point-source model 5 1.3.2 The effect of elastic anisotropy 7 1.3.3 Near-fi eld strain interactions 12 1.3.4 Stacking conditions and replication angles 16 1.4 Comparison with experimental results 21 1.4.1 Vertically aligned dots 21 1.4.2 Fcc-like dot stacking 22 1.4.3 Anticorrelated and staggered dot stackings 23 1.4.4 Oblique replication on high-indexed surfaces 26 1.5 Monte Carlo growth simulations 27 1.6 InGaAs/GaAs multilayers 30 1.6.1 Pairing probability as a function of spacer thickness 31 1.6.2 Lateral ordering 32 1.6.3 Sizes, shapes and critical wetting layer thickness 33 1.6.4 Photoluminescence 34 1.7 Ordering in SiGe/Si dot superlattices 34 1.8 PbSe/PbEuTe dot superlattices 36 1.8.1 Stackings as a function of spacer thickness 38 1.8.2 Lateral ordering 39 1.8.3 Interlayer correlations as a function of dot size 44 1.8.4 Phase diagram for vertical and lateral dot ordering 45 1.9 Other mechanisms for interlayer correlation formation 48 1.9.1 Morphologic correlations 48 1.9.2 Correlations induced by composition 49 1.10 Summary and outlook 51 Chapter 2 InAs Quantum Dots on AlxGa1xAs Surfaces and in an AlxGa1xAs Matrix 62 2.1 Introduction 62 2.2 Quantum dot formation 62 2.2.1 Strained heteroepitaxial growth 62 2.2.2 Quantum dot nucleation on AlxGa1xAs surfaces 64 2.2.3 Calibrating InAs growth rate 66 2.3 Control of quantum dot size and density 67 2.3.1 QD nucleation and growth 68 2.4 Changing the confi ning matrix 69 2.5 Overgrowth of quantum dots 70 2.5.1 QD characterization 72 2.5.2 Inhomogeneous broadening of QD size 73 2.6 Applications 75 2.6.1 Quantum dot detectors 75 2.6.2 Quantum dot quantum-cascade emitters 77 Chapter 3 Optical Properties of In(Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dots for Optoelectronic Devices 84 3.1 Introduction 84 3.2 Growth of In(Ga)As/GaAs QDs 84 3.3 Stacked QD layers 88 3.4 Energy states in QDs 90 3.5 Single QD spectroscopy 99 3.6 Quantum dot lasers 102 3.7 Vertical and resonant cavity structures 109 3.8 Semiconductor optical amplifi ers 110 3.9 Single photon sources 112 3.10 Entangled photon sources 114 3.11 Spin-LEDs and the potential for QDs in spintronic devices 116 3.12 Conclusions 121 Acknowledgements 121 Chapter 4 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Semiconductor Quantum Dots 132 4.1 Introduction 132 4.2 Basics of cavity quantum electrodynamics 133 4.2.1 Optical confi nement and light–matter interaction 133 4.2.2 Spontaneous emission control – Purcell effect 134 4.2.3 Strong coupling regime 137 4.3 Implementation of cavity quantum electrodynamics in the solid state 138 4.3.1 The resonator: a semiconductor microcavity 138 4.3.2 The emitter: a single semiconductor quantum dot 140 4.4 The weak coupling regime 142 4.4.1 Spontaneous emission inhibition 142 4.4.2 Spontaneous emission acceleration 143 4.5 The strong coupling regime 145 4.5.1 First demonstrations of strong coupling regime 145 4.5.2 Some perspectives 148 4.6 Towards a deterministic cavity–dot coupling 149 4.6.1 Spatial tuning 149 4.6.2 Spectral tuning 150 4.7 Applications of solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics 150 4.7.1 Effi cient single photon source: possibilities and limitations 151 4.7.2 Indistinguishable single photon sources 152 4.7.3 Proposal for entangled photons sources 154 4.7.4 Proposal for ultra-low threshold lasers 155 4.7.5 Possible applications for quantum information processing 157 4.8 Summary and conclusions 157 Acknowledgements 158 Chapter 5 InAs Quantum Dot Formation Studied at the Atomic Scale by Cross-sectional Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy 165 5.1 Introduction 165 5.1.1 Quantum dot formation 165 5.1.2 Cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy (X-STM) 165 5.2 Formation of the wetting layer 171 5.3 Dependence of the QD structural properties on the substrate material (GaAs vs AlAs) 176 5.4 Capping process of InAs quantum dots 179 5.4.1 Capping temperature and growth interruptions 179 ……
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