This represents the sixth edition of the textbook first edited by Drs. Dennis and
Jean Vance in 1985. In taking on the editorship, we are revising the textbook
that we used as an essential resource early in our academic careers. With this in
mind we have strived to assemble a text that will inspire students to embrace the
challenges of the future in lipid, lipoprotein and membrane biology.
Since the last edition that appeared in 2008 there have been remarkable
advances in lipid and membrane biology in terms of identification of fundamental
metabolic processes and their relationship to a broad spectrum of human
diseases. The authors of this edition are at the forefront of these discoveries,
and have provided chapters with a basic knowledge component coupled with
unique insights into their respective fields of research. This edition also has a
more defined focus on the impact on new technologies and relevance to chronic
disease with a view to future studies of lipid metabolism. As with previous editions,
the content is easily accessible to a broad spectrum of learners with a
basic understanding of biochemistry and metabolism. The text also serves as a
gateway to further exploration of topics, and provides a bridge between basic
concepts and the current research literature. Thus undergraduate and graduate
students will find this book to be an essential resource for course and researchrelated
studies, while experienced researchers can use it as a reference guide to
the lipid field.
All of the chapters have been revised from the fifth edition and new authors
have taken on the task for many. We asked the authors to resist the temptation
to be comprehensive; that we were not seeking to assemble a compendium of
reviews. In addition, we limited the number of citations, attempting to glean
classic and exceptional recent studies in each area. We are grateful that all the
authors have complied. This edition of the book has full-color figures embedded
in the text and standardized tables, which add visual appeal and clarity.
The contributors and editors assume full responsibility for the content and
would appreciate any and all feedback for refinement of future editions.