《practical problem solving hplc 》Kromidas 2000一本液相色谱书籍

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今天分享一本液相色谱书籍《practical problem solving hplc 》Kromidas 2000这本书是很不错的一本书哦,在某东上竟然卖1000多块钱。简直是抢钱啊。收藏多年,特与大家共享。喜欢的请捧场。 Nothing demonstrates the importance and maturity of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) more than this compendium of practical wisdom about how to master the complexity of instrumentation and the problems associated with the chemical aspects of the technique. We shall soon celebrate the centennial of the introduction of chromatography by T.M. Tswett, who first demonstrated the concept and practice of differential migration processes which have revolutionized analytical chemistry over the past forty years. In the early fifties, gas chromatography lead the way in exploring the tremendous breadth of chromatography and thus the gas chromatograph has become the paradigm of a new era in analytical chemistry. In the late sixties it was followed by HPLC that has become, and still is, the most versatile separating tool using sophisticated instrumentation and a variety of chromatographic systems. Of course, this stems also from the dual nature of chromatography as being not only a precision microanalytical tool, but also an indispensable process for the preparative/production scale purification of biological substances in particular. After the introduction of HPLC in the late sixties, the technique experienced a met ...

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  • aqiuok 发表于 2019-4-7 15:10:51
  • aaaddd 发表于 2019-2-10 02:25:37
  • naomi 发表于 2018-12-17 11:19:00
  • aialex 发表于 2018-10-25 13:18:04
  • zhyo 发表于 2018-9-6 13:32:09


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Nothing demonstrates the importance and maturity of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) more than this compendium of practical wisdom about how to master the complexity of instrumentation ...