《Intracellular Pathogens I.Chlamydiales》ASM(2012)

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《Intracellular Pathogens I.Chlamydiales》ASM(2012) Contributors ix Preface xiii 1. Chlamydia Infection and Epidemiology Byron E. Batteiger 1 2. Deep and Wide: Comparative Genomics of Chlamydia Garry S. A. Myers, Jonathan Crabtree, and Heather Huot Creasy 27 3. Lessons from Environmental Chlamydiae Alexander Siegl and Matthias Horn 51 4. The Chlamydial Cell Envelope David E. Nelson 74 5. Chlamydial Adhesion and Adhesins Johannes H. Hegemann and Katja Moelleken 97 6. Initial Interactions of Chlamydiae with the Host Cell Ted Hackstadt 126 7. Temporal Gene Regulation during the Chlamydial Developmental Cycle Ming Tan 149 8. Cell Biology of the Chlamydial Inclusion Marcela Kokes and Raphael H. Valdivia 170 9. Protein Secretion and Chlamydia Pathogenesis Kenneth A. Fields 192 s2fi|20[/pan]

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