《Human Biology》第11版

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《Human Biology》第11版This new edition of Human Biology continues our dedication to providing an accessible, relevant, and appealing introduction to the study of the human body. Although most students who use this book will not become scientists, all can benefit from a better understanding of body structures and their functions and from the real-world application of basic biological concepts and principles. Knowing how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems work will help students make informed choices about lifestyle and nutrition, while having a deeper understanding of common diseases and disorders will help them navigate issues related to health care. In addition, some background in ecology will help them grasp why human activities such as adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere put us and other species at risk. In this way, as they progress through this text, students will learn both the core concepts of human biology and how they apply to everyday situations, preparing them to make well-informed decision in their lives. 2ght|100[/pan]

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