《General, Organic& Biological Chemistry》第三版

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《General, Organic& Biological Chemistry》第三版 This text is different--by design. By relating fundamental concepts of general, organic, and biological chemistry to the everyday world, Jan Smith effectively engages students with bulleted lists, extensive illustrations, and step-by-step problem solving. Smith writes with an approach that delivers need-to-know information in a succinct style for today’s students. Armed with an excellent illustration program full of macro-to-micro art, as well as many applications to biological, medical, consumer, and environmental topics, this book is a powerhouse of learning for students. 56k7|200[/pan]

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  • wang058 发表于 2019-7-4 00:43:23


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56k7|200[/pan] This text is different--by design. By relating fundamental concepts of general, organic, and biological chemistry to the everyday world, Jan Smith effectively engages students with bulleted lists, e ...