《Introduction to Protein Structure》2nd

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《Introduction to Protein Structure》2nd Introduction to Protein Structure provides an account of the principles of protein structure, with examples of key proteins in their biological context generously illustrated in full-color to illuminate the structural principles described in the text. The first few chapters introduce the general principles of protein structure both for novices and for non-specialists needing a primer. Subsequent chapters use specific examples of proteins to show how they fulfill a wide variety of biological functions. The book ends with chapters on the experimental approach to determining and predicting protein structure, as well as engineering new proteins to modify their functions. 目录 PART 1 BASIC STRUCTURAL PRINCIPLES 1. The Building Blocks 2. Motifs of Protein Structure 3. -Domain Structures 4. /ss Structures 5. ss Structures 6. Folding and Flexibility 7. DNA Structures PART 2 STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND ENGINEERING 8. DNA Recognition in Procaryotes by Helix-Turn-Helix Motifs 9. DNA Recognition by Eukaryotic Transcription Factors 10. Specific Transcription Factors Belong to a Few Families 11. An Example of Enzyme Catalysis: Serine Proteinases 12. Membrane Proteins 13. Signal Transduction 14. Fibrous Proteins 15. Recognition of Foreign Molecules by the Immune System 16. The Structure of Spherical Viruses 17. Prediction, Engineering, and Design of Protein Structures 18. Determination of Protein Structures x9yx|66[/pan]

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  • 幻影音速 发表于 2019-7-4 07:13:04


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目录 PART 1 BASIC STRUCTURAL PRINCIPLES 1. The Building Blocks 2. Motifs of Protein Structure 3. -Domain Structures 4. /ss Structures 5. ss Structures 6. Folding and Flexibility 7. DNA Structures P ...