《Metabolism at a Glance》第四版 J. G. Salway著

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《Metabolism at a Glance》第四版 J. G. Salway著 Metabolism at a Glance presents a concise, illustrated summary of metabolism in health and disease. This essential text is progressively appropriate for introductory through to advanced medical and biochemistry courses. It also provides a succinct review of inborn errors of metabolism, and reference for postgraduate medical practitioners and biomedical scientists who need a resource to quickly refresh their knowledge. Fully updated and extensively illustrated, this new edition of Metabolism at a Glance is now in full colour throughout, and includes new coverage of sports biochemistry; the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and cholesterol; glyceroneogenesis, α-oxidation and ω-oxidation of fatty acids. It also features the overlooked “Krebs Uric Acid Cycle”. Metabolism at a Glance offers an accessible introduction to metabolism, and is ideal as a revision aid for students preparing for undergraduate and USMLE Step 1 exams. srxm|200[/pan]

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  • lovesquall 发表于 2019-7-4 05:27:58


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Fully updated and extensively illustrated, this new edition of Metabolism at a Glance is now in full colour throughout, and includes new coverage of sports biochemistry; the metabolism of lipids, ca ...