第95版CRC物理化学手册《CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics》95th

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第95版CRC物理化学手册《CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics》95th The 95th Edition of the Handbook includes new tables and major updates and expansions. A new series highlighting the achievements of some of the major historical figures in chemistry and physics was initiated with the 94th edition. This series is continued with this edition which is focused on Galileo Galilei, James Clerk Maxwell, Marie Sklodowska Curie, and Linus Carl Pauling. This series, which provides biographical information, a list of major achievements, and notable quotations attributed to each of the renowned chemists and physicists, will be continued in succeeding editions. Each edition will feature two chemists and two physicists. The following new tables have been added to this edition: 4b7x|50[/pan]

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  • NO16 发表于 2019-6-16 00:58:43
  • 七少 发表于 2019-5-27 09:02:40
  • xrjabc 发表于 2019-5-13 08:23:34
  • gggxafcp 发表于 2019-5-1 04:44:02


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The 95th Edition of the Handbook includes new tables and major updates and expansions. A new series highlighting the achievements of some of the major historical figures in chemistry and physic ...