《Fundamentals of Biochemistry:Life at the Molecular Level》4th

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《Fundamentals of Biochemistry:Life at the Molecular Level》4th Voet and Pratt's 4th Edition of Principles of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level, challenges readers to better understand the chemistry behind the biological structure and reactions occurring in living systems. The latest edition continues this tradition, and additionally incorporates coverage of recent research and an expanded focus on preparing and supporting students throughout the course. WileyPLUS sold separately from text. 目录 PART I INTRODUCTION1 Introduction to the Chemistry of Life 12 Water 22PART II BIOMOLECULES3 Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, and Genetic Information 404 Amino Acids 765 Proteins: Primary Structure 936 Proteins: Three-Dimensional Structure 1277 Protein Function: Myoglobin and Hemoglobin, Muscle Contraction, and Antibodies 1768 Carbohydrates 2179 Lipids and Biological Membranes 24110 Membrane Transport 288PART III ENZYMES11 Enzymatic Catalysis 31512 Enzyme Kinetics, Inhibition, and Control 35513 Biochemical Signaling 396PART IV METABOLISM14 Introduction to Metabolism 43615 Glucose Catabolism 47216 Glycogen Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis 51717 Citric Acid Cycle 55118 Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation 58119 Photosynthesis 62320 Lipid Metabolism 65721 Amino Acid Metabolism 71222 Mammalian Fuel Metabolism: Integration and Regulation 767PART V GENE EXPRESSION AND REPLICATION23 Nucleotide Metabolism 79324 Nucleic Acid Structure 82125 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recomb ...

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目录 PART I INTRODUCTION1 Introduction to the Chemistry of Life 12 Water 22PART II BIOMOLECULES3 Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, and Genetic Information 404 Amino Acids 765 Proteins: Primary Structure ...