《Essential Biochemistry》3rd Charlotte W. Pratt, Kathleen Cornely 著

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《Essential Biochemistry》3rd Charlotte W. Pratt, Kathleen Cornely 著 PART ONE FOUNDATIONS1 THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF LIFE 11-1 What is Biochemistry? 21-2 Biological Molecules 31-3 Energy and Metabolism 101-4 The Origin and Evolution of Life 142 AQUEOUS CHEMISTRY 242-1 Water Molecules form Hydrogen Bonds 252-2 The Hydrophobic Effect 302-3 Acid–Base Chemistry 332-4 Tools and Techniques: Buffers 41PART TWO MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION3 FROM GENES TO PROTEINS 513-1 DNA Is the Genetic Material 523-2 Genes Encode Proteins 613-3 Genomics 653-4 Tools and Techniques: Manipulating DNA 704 PROTEIN STRUCTURE 874-1 Proteins Are Chains of Amino Acids 894-2 Secondary Structure: The Conformation of the Peptide Group 964-3 Tertiary Structure and Protein Stability 994-4 Quaternary Structure 1074-5 Tools and Techniques: Analyzing Protein Structure 1085 PROTEIN FUNCTION 1215-1 Myoglobin and Hemoglobin: Oxygen-Binding Proteins 1225-2 Structural Proteins 1335-3 Motor Proteins 1446 HOW ENZYMES WORK 1586-1 What Is an Enzyme? 1596-2 The Chemistry of Catalysis 1626-3 The Unique Properties of Enzyme Catalysts 1716-4 Some Additional Features of Enzymes 1747 ENZYME KINETICS AND INHIBITION 1887-1 Introduction to Enzyme Kinetics 1897-2 Derivation and Meaning of the Michaelis–Menten Equation 1917-3 Enzyme Inhibition 2008 LIPIDS AND MEMBRANES 2208-1 Lipids 2218-2 The Lipid Bilayer 2278-3 Membrane Proteins 2308-4 The Fluid Mosaic Model 2339 MEMBRANE TRANSPORT 2419-1 The Thermodynamics of Membrane Tran ...

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PART ONE FOUNDATIONS1 THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF LIFE 11-1 What is Biochemistry? 21-2 Biological Molecules 31-3 Energy and Metabolism 101-4 The Origin and Evolution of Life 142 AQUEOUS CHEMISTRY 242-1 ...