CLASS-VP 6.0版本安装软件

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CLASS-VP 6.0版本安装软件 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] Overview Contents of CLASS-VP Installation CD-ROM [C] Precautions before using CLASS-VP --------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] Overview This file describes supplementary information about the contents of CLASS-VP Ver.6.1 Installation CR-ROM and notes to use the CLASS-VP software. Contents of CLASS-VP Installation CD-ROM The CLASS-VP installation CD-ROM stores the installation files and documents under the following folders. (ROOT) |--ENGLISH [English Version] | |--ACROBATR [Adobe AcrobatReader4.0 English] | |--CheckFunction [CLASS-VPfunction check data installer] | |--CLASS-VP [CLASS-VPsoftware] | | |--DISK(1~18) | |--DOCUMENT | | Note. CLASS-VPIQ/OQ documents are stored | | in this folder. | |--FILECONV [CLASS-LC10/VPfile converter software] | | |--DISK(1~4) | |--SPCCONV [CLASS-LC10Spectrum file converter software] | ---SUPPLEMENT [Supplementaldocuments] | |--JAPANESE [Japanese Version] | |--ACROBATR [Adobe AcrobatReader4.0 Japanese] | |--CheckFunction [CLASS-VPfunction check data installer] | |--CLASS-VP [CLASS-VPsoftware] | | |--DISK(1~14) | |--DOCUMENT | | Note. CLASS-VPIQ/OQ documents are stored | | in thisfo ...

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--------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] Overview Contents of CLASS-VP Installation CD-ROM [C] Precautions before using CLASS-VP ----------------------------- ...