《Biology For a Changing World》2nd Matthew Tontonoz Janet Vigna

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《Biology For a Changing World》2nd Matthew Tontonoz Janet Vigna From the groundbreaking partnership of W. H. Freeman and Scientific American comes this one-of-a-kind introduction to the science of biology and its impact on the way we live. In this textbook, two experienced educators and a science journalist explore the core ideas of biology through a series of chapters written and illustrated in the style of a Scientific American article. Chapters don’t just feature compelling stories of real people―each chapter is a newsworthy story that serves as a context for covering the standard curriculum for the non-majors biology course. Updated throughout, the new edition offers new stories, additional physiology chapters, a new Electronic Teachers’ Edition, and new pedagogy. This textbook is available with LaunchPad. LaunchPad combines an interactive ebook with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. See ‘Instructor Resources’ and ‘Student Resources’ for further information. g6mm|200[/pan]

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From the groundbreaking partnership of W. H. Freeman and Scientific American comes this one-of-a-kind introduction to the science of biology and its impact on the way we live. In this textbook, two ...