生物化学毒物原理《Principles of Biochemical Toxicology》Fourth Edition

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生物化学毒物原理《Principles of Biochemical Toxicology》Fourth Edition This fourth and probably final edition of Principles of Biochemical Toxicology has, like the previous editions, evolved against the background of my involvement with the teaching of toxicology on various courses at various levels and in various places. The objective of the book has always been to form a sound introduction to the basic principles of the subject from a biochemical and mechanistic viewpoint. It is a testament to the vitality and progression of toxicology that the increasing sophistication, complexity, and expansion of the subject mean that revision of at least parts of this book is essential every few years. However, a book of this size cannot realistically cover all of the diverse aspects of toxicology in equal depth and detail and include all the new developments that are occurring, hence the extensive bibliography, which should be used to complement this text where more detail or other examples are wanted. This is probably the most extensive revision, because I changed to a part-time teaching contract in order to do it. I hope that readers feel it has been worthwhile! As previously, I have taken into account comments that have been made to me since the third edition was published. I have added new examples to broaden the scope as well as updated existing ones. I have also redone, and I hope improved, many of the diagrams as well as adding many new ones. Special thanks t ...

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This fourth and probably final edition of Principles of Biochemical Toxicology has, like the previous editions, evolved against the background of my involvement with the teaching of toxicology on ...