《Biomolecular Kinetics:A Step-by-Sep Guide》Clive R. Bagshaw 著

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《Biomolecular Kinetics:A Step-by-Sep Guide》Clive R. Bagshaw 著 Chemical kinetics of biological systems has a long history. Brewing is often cited as an early example of applied biochemistry and timing is clearly a key part of the fermentation process to generate the desired alcohol concentration. But even in terms of modern biochemical investigations, kinetic measurements represent a long-standing methodology. Many of the key concepts were derived more than a century ago [1]. For these reasons and their continued under-pinning role in biochemical assays, the fundamentals of steady-state enzyme kinetics are introduced in most first-year undergraduate biochemistry courses, including the practical measurement of enzyme activity. In parallel, the principles of firstand second-order reactions are taught in first-year supplementary chemistry courses, but often with few biochemical examples. In subsequent years, the teaching of biomolecular kinetics has been squeezed out of the curriculum by the incredible expansion in knowledge across the biochemical sciences that must be accommodated within a three- or four-year period. Unfortunately, this has led to a situation where kinetics is often seen as “old hat,” and any later course option with “kinetics” in the title is likely to be met with low registration. Actually, this is not a new phenomenon. More than 30 years ago, Engel [2] likened the attitude toward kinetics being on par with Latin and cold showers: “c ...

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