《Clinical Laboratory Management》2nd edition Lynne S. Garcia著

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《Clinical Laboratory Management》2nd edition Lynne S. Garcia著 Clinical Laboratory Management, Second Edition, is a completely revised comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the challenges facing today's clinical laboratories. Dramatic changes in the fields of medicine and healthcare require an increased level of expertise of all laboratory personnel. An invaluable resource for laboratory directors, managers, and supervisors, Clinical Laboratory Management will also teach healthcare practitioners at all levels how to hear, speak, and thoroughly understand the operational language of healthcare administration. This title is published by the American Society of Microbiology Press and distributed by Taylor and Francis in rest of world territories. 提取码参见隐藏部分|333[/pan] 提取码:

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Clinical Laboratory Management, Second Edition, is a completely revised comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the challenges facing today's clinical laboratories. Dramatic cha ...