《Lipids:Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Health》6th Edition Michael I. Gurr著

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《Lipids:Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Health》6th Edition Michael I. Gurr著 For the 6th Edition of this highly regarded textbook devoted to lipids, the title has been modified from Lipid Biochemistry to Lipids to acknowledge the coming together of biological and medical sciences, the increasingly blurred boundaries between them and the growing importance of lipids in diverse aspects of science and technology. The principal aims of this new edition - to inform students and researchers about lipids, to assist teachers and encourage further research – have not changed since previous editions. Significant advances in lipid science have demanded yet another extensive rewriting for this edition, with the addition of two new authors, to cover new knowledge of genes coding for proteins involved in lipid metabolism, the many lipids involved in cell signalling, the roles of lipids in health and disease and new developments in biotechnology in support of agriculture and industry. 提取码参见隐藏部分|888[/pan] 提取码:

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