《How It Works Book of the Human Body》3rd

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《How It Works Book of the Human Body》3rd The human body is truly an amazing thing. Capable of awe-inspiring feats of speed, agility and strength, while being mind-blowing in complexity, your body is unmatched by that of any other species on Earth. In this updated edition of How It Works Book of the Human Body, we celebrate the human body’s capabilities and beauty, as well as analyse how it can be impaired or hampered. From how you hear, to how your digestion works, through how your bones repair fractures and on to how we express emotions and experience touch, we explore the human body like never before. Packed full of high-quality anatomical illustrations, detailed photography and easy-tounderstand authoritative explanations, this book is fi lled with incredible facts that will make you see yourself in a whole new light. rj7c|200[/pan]

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The human body is truly an amazing thing. Capable of awe-inspiring feats of speed, agility and strength, while being mind-blowing in complexity, your body is unmatched by that of any other species ...