Physical Chemistry 9th We have followed our usual tradition in that this new edition of the text is yet another thorough update of the content and its presentation. Our goal is to keep the book flexible to use, accessible to students, broad in scope, and authoritative, without adding bulk. However, it should always be borne in mind that much of the bulk arises from the numerous pedagogical features that we include (such as Worked examples, Checklists of key equations, and the Resource section), not necessarily from density of information. The text is still divided into three parts, but material has been moved between chapters and the chapters themselves have been reorganized. We continue to respond to the cautious shift in emphasis away from classical thermodynamics by combining several chapters in Part 1 (Equilibrium), bearing in mind that some of the material will already have been covered in earlier courses. For example, material on phase diagrams no longer has its own chapter but is now distributed between Chapters 4 (Physical transformation of pure substances) and 5 (Simple mixtures). New Impact sections highlight the application of principles of thermodynamics to materials science, an area of growing interest to chemists. In Part 2 (Structure) the chapters have been updated with a discussion of contemporary techniques of materials science—including nanoscience—and spectroscopy. We have also paid more attention to computational chemistry, and have ...

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  • thehighland 发表于 2019-9-6 18:55:16
  • 47502574 发表于 2019-8-11 17:44:32
  • ZXR 发表于 2019-7-14 12:21:19
  • 1lNwtnG 发表于 2019-6-21 19:55:56


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We have followed our usual tradition in that this new edition of the text is yet another thorough update of the content and its presentation. Our goal is to keep the book flexible to use, accessib ...