Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 6th Edition

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Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 6th Edition With authors who are both accomplished researchers and educators, Vollhardt and Schore’s Organic Chemistry is proven effective for making contemporary organic chemistry accessible, introducing cutting-edge research in a fresh, student-friendly way. A wealth of unique study tools help students organize and understand the substantial information presented in this course. And in the sixth edition, the themes of understanding reactivity, mechanisms, and synthetic analysis to apply chemical concepts to realistic situations has been strengthened. New applications of organic chemistry in the life sciences, industrial practices, green chemistry, and environmental monitoring and clean-up are incorporated. This edition includes more than 100 new or substantially revised problems, including new problems on synthesis and green chemistry, and new “challenging” problems. 提取码参见隐藏部分|200[/pan] 提取码

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  • lg1986 发表于 2020-7-7 10:22:24
  • elmprpr 发表于 2020-7-4 06:38:14
  • 那里有片白色的 发表于 2020-6-30 02:14:59
  • 严嘉祥 发表于 2020-6-27 06:47:05
  • Cheung 发表于 2020-6-23 11:42:30


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And in the sixth edition, the themes of understanding reactivity, mechanisms, and synthetic analysis to apply chemical concepts to realistic situations has been strengthened. New applications of org ...