Stem Cells From Culture Dish to Clinic

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Stem Cells From Culture Dish to Clinic Despite extensive research and medical advancements in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dreaded diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Neurodegenerative and Heart diseases, continue to impose a great threat to human life. Research in human developmental biology has led to the discovery of stem cells which has the potential to cure wide range of dreaded diseases. Stem cells are the unicellular equivalent to the entire animal. In optimum culture milieu they can be differentiated into all cell types of an adult animal. The capability of potency and the relative ease to isolate and expand these cells are invaluable properties for regenerative medicine. Stem cells hold tremendous promise to unravel the key developmental pathways involved in organogenesis and may serve as an essential tissue source for regenerative therapy. Stem cell biology is a fast growing field that is providing new insights into the molecular mechanisms that control developmental processes. At the same time, stem cel

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  • 大家都比较长 发表于 2020-9-5 18:01:05
  • jay99 发表于 2020-8-25 10:24:06
    這麼好的帖子都沒有人頂!d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b,我來多頂頂樓主
  • lEI 发表于 2020-8-16 07:03:53
  • 青清紫矜 发表于 2020-8-6 23:53:50
  • DrA123 发表于 2020-7-28 01:56:09


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