《Biology:Concepts and Investigations》3rd Mari;Hoefnagels著

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《Biology:Concepts and Investigations》3rd Mari;Hoefnagels著 这本书最新版的是2017年的,需要的人可以去amazon网站去购买 Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action encourages instructors to improve student engagement and learning in introductory biology courses. The central idea of the Vision and Change report is that we need to turn away from teaching methods that reward students who memorize and regurgitate superficial knowledge. Instead, we need to emphasize deeper learning that requires students to understand and apply course content. This idea is precisely what I have tried to achieve since I started teaching at the University of Oklahoma in 1997, and it has been a guiding principle in the creation of my books and digital material as well. As you examine this new edition and its supplements, I hope you will see an emphasis on connections and the “big picture.” In addition to new features like chapter summary figures, integrated media icons, SmartBook™, and tutorial animations, we’ve updated and improved many features present in the last edition, including chapter opening essays, Investigating Life sections, boxed readings, and multiple choice and open-ended questions. Every chapter also has a study tip, so students learn to master the skills they need to be successful in biology and every other class. I agree with the Vision and Change report’s call for instructors to embrace active learning techniques, but I a ...

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